Thursday, November 28, 2019

7 Formatting Errors That Make Your Book Look Unprofessional

7 Formatting Errors That Make Your Book Look Unprofessional More and more writers are taking advantage of the new tools of publishing to create and publish their own books. This has led to an explosion of creativity, as writers are able to move their own books to market without the long delays and uncertainty of trying to get a traditional publisher to offer a contract. Of course, there are also lots of authors who publish some of their books with traditional publishers, but still want to issue backlist, experimental, or non-commercial books themselves. This is all good news for authors. But one of the consequences of authors becoming do-it-yourself publishers has been the proliferation of books that dont look quite right. Although our books may be self-published, we sure dont want them to look sub-par, do we? For many years Ive helped authors get their books produced so they can compete with the books coming from traditional publishers. And while many authors hire professional book designers to create their books for them, this isnt practical or desirable from some people. Some of the errors I see when reviewing self-published books are very easy to correct, if you only know how. So to help out, Ive compiled here a list of the most common book formatting errors. If youre doing your own formatting, make sure you pin this article up near your workstation. Youll be needing it. 7 Formatting Errors to Avoid 1.  Putting page numbers on blank pages. Blank pages have no text or images on them, and that means they should be truly blank. If you think about it, having a page number on a blank page really doesnt make sense, since theres nothing for the page number to refer to. 2.  Using running heads on chapter opening pages or blank pages. This is probably the most common formatting mistake of all, and I see it often in books from do-it-yourselfers. Just like page numbers, running heads (the type at the top of a page that shows the book title, author name, or chapter title) have no place on a blank page, just leave them off so the pages are truly blank. 3.  Using rag-right typesetting. Sometimes authors think they can make their pages look better 4.  Double spacing between sentences. Many of us learned to type quite a while ago, and many typing instructors told us to hit the space bar twice after a period. This is perfectly fine for business reports or memos, but it has no place in a book and can potentially cause problems when your book is typeset. So only one space between sentences. 5.  Using both indented AND block style spaces between paragraphs. Since weve started reading so much on web pages, weve grown accustomed to the block style of paragraph formatting. This is when paragraphs are separated 6.  Putting the odd numbered pages on the left. When you open a book, it just makes sense that the first page is page number 1, and that has to be a right-hand page. This rule is absolute, and you should never, ever number your pages with even numbers on right-hand pages. 7.  Making super small margins to save pages. Lots of authors who use print on demand services like CreateSpace know that they will be charged based on how many pages are in their book. But thats no reason to shortchange your readers Paying attention to these details of book formatting will help ensure that your books look and work the way they are supposed to. Your readers will thank you for that, and its your readers you should keep in mind throughout the publishing process. Another way to solve a lot of these formatting problems while also getting a well-designed, industry-standard book is to use one of our book templates. They will save you an amazing amount of time and frustration, while making sure your book looks the way it should. You can find out more and see the available designs at:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Relection Piece of trip to DC essays

Relection Piece of trip to DC essays The trip to Washington DC was the greatest trip in my life; there was a lot of history there. I think the tour of the capital building was the greatest part. Actual seeing the capital building from inside was so cool. Also, first getting to DC when I saw all the buildings it was amazing. In addition, walking on the steps of the Lincoln memorial was exciting. It really seeing the statue was very awesome and seeing the quotes of what he said was cool. When we preformed at the elderly center I think we really influenced those people because music is everything and I think we played well for them and I think they enjoyed it and I think our younger audience liked it too. I hope we could do that again some day. However, I know it was a once in a lifetime experience Later that night we went to a cruise on the Potomac River. I had a blast, when I started dancing with Carol and Kay it was fun. Moreover, seeing Jerry our tour guide swing dance was awesome, he was a good dancer, I could not swing dance worth anything. However, I did try to learn it but I just was tired and could not learn. When we finally hit a slow dance, I danced with Molly, which was awesome. Dancing with a beautiful girl was awesome, but the highlight of that night was when we were doing group dancing. That was kind of fun. But anyway, it was a very cool cruise. Now that night can never be repeated, it was so awesome I could not believe that we had a chance to do that. However, one down side of it, it was not a real dinner. We had pizza, what type of dinner is that? I thought we were going have a real dinner like steak and potatoes. But oh well, I loved the cruise, and loved dancing with all those people. Nevertheless, there was some down sides like our sleeping arrangements. I did not sleep in a bed until the last night we stayed at the hotel. My back was cramped and my ankle started to hurt the day of the parade. I was so tired all of the time. However, I did...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial analysis Apple and McDonald's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial analysis Apple and McDonald's - Essay Example On the other hand, Apple Inc. experienced a drop in their bottom line from forty-one billion and seven million United States dollars down to thirty-seven billion. The experience was in spite of the fact that the company realized an increase in revenues to one hundred and seventy-one billion from slightly more than one hundred and fifty-six billion. A major in put in the falling bottom line in spite of the increasing revenue was the increase in revenue collected by the company in the percentage of sales associated with cost of goods to more than sixty-two percent from fifty-three. The income statement also referred to as the statement of earnings covers the entire performance of McDonald’s Corp. That includes results of operating activities. Similarly, the statement of financial position reports important classes as well as amounts of resources controlled and owned by the company. The ratios explore the output and revenues generated by both Apple Inc. and McDonald’s Corp’s assets. Included in the evaluation is the level of operations versus the assets required to maintain operating activities. Evaluation takes place under the general terminology of operating performance ratios. The debt-to-equity ratio for McDonald’s reduced in twenty eleven to two thousand and twelve but recorded slight improvements from two thousand and twelve to two thousand and thirteen. The debt-to-capital ratio faced the same fate as it deteriorated in two thousand and eleven through to two thousand and twelve. The trend in the subsequent financial year was similar to that in the debt-to-equity ratio. When calculating the interest coverage ratio as an EBIT and dividing it interest payments, it leads to the conclusion that MacDonald’s Corp. Reducing in the preceding financial year with slight improvements in the subsequent year. The adjusted total assets for M cDonald’s followed the same trend