Wednesday, January 29, 2020

It was a bitter winters night Essay Example for Free

It was a bitter winters night Essay It was a bitter winters night and George was sitting in his big white house. Georges lapdog, Tony, was lying at his owners feet. His big pointy ears were jiggling and his huge forehead was creasing up as he breathed in and out. George was watching television. Although he was not really mentally capable of understanding some of the intellectual humour he was watching, he happily sat there giggling away at the Tweenies with Tony. George and Tony deserved to relax after the hard day they had had at school. George was head boy at his school, the United School of Akronica, and he was having a spot of trouble with one of the other boys. Sammy Whosayne was bullying other children in his class and George thought that he should do something about it. George also believed that Sammy had some stink-bombs of mass poignancy but he could not prove anything. Although George was head boy, it did not mean he could do what he wanted; he had to speak to one of the teachers first. The teacher that he had to speak to on this occasion was called Mrs. U.Benn. She was in charge of the committee against bullying, Necessitarians Against The Oppressors. Usually, U. Benn and NATO sorted out problems between different groups within the school but this time she said no because George could not prove that Sammy had stink-bombs of mass poignancy. George was furious; he couldnt believe that they had said no to him. He soon got over it though when he saw something shiny on the floor. George realised that if he want to do anything about Sammy Whosayne, he was going to have to do it himself. He realised that he could not do it by himself. He asked help from his friend Pierre Le-Grenouille. Unfortunately for George, Pierre was a bit of a wimp and said that he did not want to go to fight anyone. What a coward. Anyway, although slightly disheartened, George continued to plan his fight against Sammy after hed finished his warm milk and colouring in. George had gathered up his friends and they looked quite impressive, his dog Tony and he made quite a team. The two of them burst into Sammy Whosaynes classroom. They were much more heavily armed than him. George was equipped with the latest advances in paper aeroplanes. The planes flew into the class room taking out everything in their path (providing it was also made out of paper). This was lucky because Sammy had built his defences entirely out of paper. George attack completely wiped out the bullys fortresses. He fled with his friends for fear of getting a paper cut. George was so happy that he couldnt stop himself from giggling like a little girl. After Georges crushing victory, he embarked on a search of the classroom for the stink-bombs of mass poignancy. He started this colossal task by checking in Whosaynes locker. Obviously not realising that the locker was open, George set about trying to push the door open. He pushed as hard as he could for a good forty-nine minutes. Eventually Tony the dog, who had watched the whole pathetic affair, decided he couldnt take it anymore and decided to show George that the door was unlocked and all he had to do was pull it. Tired out after pushing a solid piece of metal for forty-nine minutes, George languidly routed through the deviants locker for any signs of the stink bombs of mass-poignancy. The locker was covered in dust, much like a certain middle-eastern country whose name escapes me. He searched every nook and cranny of the cupboard. He went bravely into the cracks and caverns without knowing what he would find. After what seemed like months of searching (it was actually about twenty minutes), George was fruitless. As NATO had guessed, Sammy did not have any stink bombs of mass poignancy. George did not even catch Sammy. He was very embarrassed. He was also quite worried as there was an election coming up for head boy. He realised that he had to find Sammy and then possibly his reputation would be saved although, if were being perfectly honest, his reputation wasnt really one worth saving. He searched the playground for the rest of break and just as things were looking bad, he saw someone hidden in the climbing frame that looked very much like the fugitive bully. He went up to him but he realised that hed gotten the wrong person because the person hed found had a beard. He apologised and walked off. As he was walking off, Tony kicked him which provoked thought. He thought that a boy having a beard was rather unusual at a school. He went back and the boy looked a little worried at the sight of a jolly giggling little man rushing towards him. George went up to him with a stern look of concentration on his face. He opened his mouth and, to the horror of Tony, he asked the bearded boy what life was like in the sixth form. As we all will have guessed by now, the bearded boy was actually Sammy Whosayne in what was frankly a pretty pathetic disguise (although it did fool George). Sammy opened his mouth and thats when George finally realised who it was. He grabbed him and took him out to show the rest of the play ground. Ive caught him he shouted. Not realising that nobody cared and that they werent listening he carried on his speech. I have capturidafied this hooligan and hopefully he will not continue to tormentify us any more. Thank me very much for giving me your attention. It was a good job that no one was listening because he would have made a complete ass out of himself. Not only had his speech included words that didnt exist but where he believed he was holding a master criminal, he was actually clutching a piece of tarpaulin with some loose bits of hair stuck to it. By this point Tony the dog had given up trying to help him. This is the end of my tale about a stupid man with power and his pet. As of yet, we do not know if George will be elected as head of the United School of Akronica but lets hope, for all our sakes, that someone with more common sense gets the job.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Introduction of the Strategy :: Business, Administration

Introduction of the strategy No organization can plan in detail every aspect of its current or future actions, but all organizations can benefit from some idea of where they are heading and how they could get there. Put another way, all organizations need some strategic direction. Once the operations function has understood its role in the business and after it has articulated the performance objectives, which define its contribution to strategy, it needs to formulate a set of general principles, which will guide its decision-making. This is the operations strategy of the company. Here we assume when an organization articulates its  ¡Ã‚ ®strategy ¡Ã‚ ¯ it has made decisions, which commit the organization to a particular set of actions (as opposed to a different  ¡Ã‚ ®strategy ¡Ã‚ ¯). The pattern of its subsequent decisions then reflects its continuing commitment to the same direction. If the pattern of its decisions changes, some change in its strategic direction is indicated. Operation strategy content and process Operation strategy concerns the pattern of strategic decisions and actions, which set the role, objectives, and activities of the operation. As with any type of strategy, we can consider its content and process separately. Here we treat content and process as follows: The content of operations strategy comprises the specific decisions and actions, which set the operations role, objectives and activities. The process of operations strategy is the method that is used to make the specific  ¡Ã‚ ®content ¡Ã‚ ¯ decisions. Specify the content of operations strategy Operations strategy is clearly part of an organization ¡Ã‚ ¯s total strategy, but people on the subject have slightly different views and definitions. Introduction of the Strategy :: Business, Administration Introduction of the strategy No organization can plan in detail every aspect of its current or future actions, but all organizations can benefit from some idea of where they are heading and how they could get there. Put another way, all organizations need some strategic direction. Once the operations function has understood its role in the business and after it has articulated the performance objectives, which define its contribution to strategy, it needs to formulate a set of general principles, which will guide its decision-making. This is the operations strategy of the company. Here we assume when an organization articulates its  ¡Ã‚ ®strategy ¡Ã‚ ¯ it has made decisions, which commit the organization to a particular set of actions (as opposed to a different  ¡Ã‚ ®strategy ¡Ã‚ ¯). The pattern of its subsequent decisions then reflects its continuing commitment to the same direction. If the pattern of its decisions changes, some change in its strategic direction is indicated. Operation strategy content and process Operation strategy concerns the pattern of strategic decisions and actions, which set the role, objectives, and activities of the operation. As with any type of strategy, we can consider its content and process separately. Here we treat content and process as follows: The content of operations strategy comprises the specific decisions and actions, which set the operations role, objectives and activities. The process of operations strategy is the method that is used to make the specific  ¡Ã‚ ®content ¡Ã‚ ¯ decisions. Specify the content of operations strategy Operations strategy is clearly part of an organization ¡Ã‚ ¯s total strategy, but people on the subject have slightly different views and definitions.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Minorities and Women in Criminal Justice Essay

There are many key issues impacting minorities and women in the criminal justice system . Sexism still exists in the United States. Sexism against women is shown in the media and indicates that sexism still pervades in our society. Another key issue is the overrepresentation and disparities among minorities in the criminal justice system. After the act of September 11, racial profiling and other acts of racial hate crimes suggests that racism occurs. Another key issue that indicates that racial disparities occur in the criminal justice system is the overrepresentation of minorities in the Juvenile Justice system. Sexism against women- Sexism still pervades in our society. A clear example of this is the way Hillary Clinton was treated in the elections. Hillary faced many gender-based abuse by the media and many individuals. â€Å"Multiple studies on women in national security have shown concerns about the progression of women into senior leadership positions (Erbe, 2008).† Some feel women are inferior to men, this is clearly a form of sexism. Statistics from U.S. Bureau of Justice indicates that women are much more likely than men to experience â€Å"nonfatal intimate partner violence†. 30% of female homicide victims are estimated to have been killed by intimate partners in comparison to 5% male homicide victims. In the past, women were not included in higher education. When women were included in higher education , they were encouraged into majors that were less intellectual. Women have been excluded from participating in many professions. Based on a 2009 study conducted by Cornell University on the topic of CEOs, research suggests that while being obese limit’s the career opportunities of both women and men, being a bit overweight harms only female executives and may actually benefit male executives. There’s also a disparity of wages between men and women. Today, women earn 75% of the income of men. Research conducted suggest that mothers are 44% less likely to be hired than women with otherwise identical resumes, experience, and qualifications, and if hired are offered on an average $11,000 a year less than women without children. On the other hand, men without children earn on an average $7,500 less than men with children. Discrimination in juvenile justice system- The Juvenile Justice System was established in the late 1800s. Juvenile did not have much Constitutional rights until recently when the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act was established in 1968. The act was created to help juveniles who are in danger of becoming delinquent by providing assistance. The juvenile justice system is separate from the adult criminal court system. African American juveniles are overrepresented in the Juvenile justice system. Statistics show that the criminal justice system discriminates against racial minorities. Racial disparities questions the treatment of juveniles by the police, courts/juvenile justice system . Cases are affected by race in the front end of the system. Black males are more likely to be detained compared to whites. USA Today article indicates that minorities fare worse in traffic stops. Police use more force against Blacks and Hispanics. Report concludes with disturbing disparities as to what happens to minorities after the stop. Recommendations for the criminal justice system include; building accountability in the exercise of discretion by police and prosecutors, and improve the diversity of low enforcement personnel. Other recommendations include; improving the collection of criminal justice data relevant to racial consequences of criminal convictions. Minorities-The USA Patriot Act was passed after September 11, 2006 when the United States was attacked by terrorist. The act was passed on October 26, 2001 by members of the congress. â€Å"The Patriot Act stretches terrorism laws to include domestic terrorism which can cause political organizations to surveillance, wiretapping, harassment, and criminal action (Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA Patriot Act) 2001)†. Law enforcement can conduct secret searches at their will. They can have access to medical, financial, mental health and student records with minimal oversight. Many feel that new legislation and enforcement of The Patriot Act takes away our freedom and some feel that this will protect us and possibly prevent another attack. There are many disadvantages of The Patriot Act. Many Arabs and Asian immigrants have been interrogated not for a wrong act but because of religion or ethnic background. New Federal Executive Branch actions have discriminated Arabs and Asians. Thousands of Asian and Arab men have been held in custody for weeks and months, without any charges filed against them. An action such as these by the government is supported by The Patriot Act yet it threatens the First Amendment which is supposed to protect our freedom of religion, speech assembly, and the press. It also threatens the fourth Amendment which is freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. There is a lack of information within the patriot act that shows evidence that this act was a major reason for September 11 terrorist attacks. This act is an invasion of privacy with inadequate security benefits. The government is given the opportunity and power to investigate and search people’s homes without good cause. Inaccurate information collected by the government can be kept on file permanently and viewed by law enforcement officers. This personal and flawed information can be used against the American citizen to create hardship. A file can be created not based on criminal actions or misconduct but based on suspicion. It is evident the Patriot act threatens some of the amendments in the bill of rights and invades our privacy. There are many pros and cons to The Patriot Act. Citizens have to give up some individual rights in results of saving lives. The Act is meant to protect the U.S. society, civil rights and liberty. Liberty has to be sacrificed to obtain security. Community policing can address the fear that an individual citizen experiences after any act â€Å"Instead of de-emphasizing community policing efforts, police departments should realize that community policing may be more important than ever in dealing with terrorism in their communities (Homeland Security)†. Despite the progress and transition that our country has experienced, unfortunately sexism and racial disparities still exist within the criminal justice system. References Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA Patriot Act) Act of 2001. Retrieved Aug 14, 2009 from: Despite Democrats Opposition, House Reauthorizes Patriot Act. Retrieved August 14, 2008 from:

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Critical Annotation of Watson Reading and Commentary Reading

Critical Annotation of Watson Reading and Commentary Reading 5 Question One Assignment 2 Reading Watson, C.W. (Ed.). (1999).A diminishment: A death in the field (Kerinci, Indonesia). In Being there: Fieldwork in anthropology (pp. 141-163). London: Pluto Press. In his reading, A Diminishment: A Death in the Field (1999), Watson analysed two critical issues that have preoccupied anthropologists for nearly four decades. These issues include the extent to which personality of the anthropologist should be clearly inserted into any published ethnographic account and how a competent anthropologist should become during identification, description as well as analysis of emotions (Watson, 1999). In essence, the first argument is hinged on whether there are chances of allowing their partisanship to influence whatever they see including how their interpretation of it all. Therefore, people in the society should give up all the pretence that all their account is objective and consider putting the point straight regarding own involvement (Watson, 1999). Watson believes that anthropologists li ke many other social scientists do very little compared to what their counterparts in the natural science perform especially when describing their equipment alongside the conditions under which their research was conducted (Watson, 1999). It is high time anthropologists became explicit about themselves, the primary tool for gathering vital information and autobiographical features of their